Boyz: Elder Ingles Chapters 6-10
Ingles discovers that being summoned to the temple doesn't
hold the same fear it once did. Being told to kneel with
his arms behind him brought on a sense of comfort as he
relinquished all control. He later thinks of nothing except
the blindfold and his penetration, not knowing who's cock
had entered him.
of Elder Ingles' transgressions, President Lee decides
it is time for him to step in and deliver the guidance
Elder Ingles expected his ordination to be a distinguished
experience, but once President Lee's lips pressed to his,
Elder Ingles found their passions could no longer be denied
and they were reduced to their basic animal insticts
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UK R18 / XXX Gay Adult, Download
Gay DVDs
Time: 243 mins, Year: 2019
From around £33 / €40*
Starring: Bishop
Lee, Elder Gibson, Elder Ingles
Director: uncredited
Missionary Boyz
DVDs online at: Homoactive,
Video (US)
@ Homoactive: Missionary
Mormon Boyz
Video On Demand / downloads: Missionary
Boyz, See also: www.gayvod.co.uk
site: Missionary
USA, Language: English
info: No Regional Coding
available from Mormon Boyz: Elder Gardner: Chapters 5 -
8 |
Elder Gardner has come to terms with his sexuality
and desires, finding comfort in the presence and service
of the handsome, older men of the Order. He knows that
they love him completely and want to see him fulfill his
calling. Still, hes conflicted by his strict upbringing,
feeling a great sense of guilt about his arousals. The
only time hes truly at ease is when hes being
fucked hard by his superiors, desperate to make them happy
and be the submissive missionary theyve trained
him to be.

available from Mormon Boyz: Elder Gardner: Chapters 1 -
4 |
Handsome, young Elder Gardner has been living each
day of his mission hiding a terrible secret. He's so burdened
by the shame of his sexuality, he barely even looks at
the sexy older men who've taken an interest in him. Deep
down, all he wants is a sexy daddy to say the magic words
that will free him from his angst: "good boy."
The Brethren see great potential in him and we are excited
to help him earn those words.
available from Mormon Boyz: Elder Ence Chapter 1 - 4 |
Elder Ence has been a real trouble-maker since he
began his Mission; he has never played by anyone's rules.
He had always reacted badly to the idea of being subservient,
submissive or meek. He was his own master. He didn't know
what to call it, but around the other missionary boys
the thought of himself as an alpha male. He wanted to
be in charge. But everything gets turned upside down when
he learns about the secret priesthood order, and the steps
of initiation into a Higher Priesthood.

available from Mormon Boyz: Elder Ence Chapter 5 - 8 |
The Brethren have seen what Elder Ence is capable
of and are eager for him to continue his initiation into
the Higher Priesthood. Despite his rebellious attitude
and alpha male ego, the sexy young Mormon is learning
that obedience has its perks.

available from Mormon Boyz: Elder Ivy: Chapters 1 - 4 |
Elder Ivy has a rebellious spirit for a Mormon. He's
always been naturally lean and strong and has been able
to parlay that into getting what he wants. Entering his
mission, he intends to take his place as top dog. He can't
help being aggressive and horny, nor does he want to.
He's young and hot and he's going to take every opportunity
to fuck. As any good Mormon boy, he knows what the rules
on sex are; he just takes great joy in breaking them.
In fact, being forbidden just makes him want it more.

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